Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wabi Sabi

Photo: snow on the skylight.

Doesn't the phrase wabi sabi sound nice? It's a kind of Japanese philosophy and aesthetic, which, according to Tadao Ando, "grew stronger as inessentials were eliminated and trimmed away."

Beauty is found in the authenticity and profundity of nature. Wabi sabi's emphasis on the natural cycles of life remind us that we are here on earth temporarily, part of cyclical nature.

The transitory illumination that passes through the snow-covered skylight reminds me of these things. I wonder if it represents or portrays a kind of wabi sabi worldview.

1 comment:

  1. I love borrowing words and philosophies from other cultures. Thanks for sharing yet another great one!

    Initially, I thought of sushi and green wasabi :)

    Are you familiar with this Japanese word?
